Health Benefits of Sauna


Do you love going to a spa sweating your face off in the sauna to then refresh yourself in the ice cold (or perhaps lukewarm) pool? Here's some good news for you if you do. Saunas are good for your health and your complexion as well. A session in a sauna helps your body to relax, relieve stress and even strengthens your immune system. Taking a sauna can also boost your circulation, improve collagen production and cleanse your skin.

Stress Relief

A sauna provides some relaxation for your body, helping to relieve stress and tension. It also induces the release of endorphins, which make you feel happier and more relaxed. Some users also claim they sleep much better at night after having taken a sauna.

Weight Loss

Taking a sauna has a very similar effect on the body as exercise. Your heart rate goes up and metabolism also increases. You will burn more calories, which may help you lose weight. Regularly taking a sauna will be necessary however for it to have a real impact on your weight. Avoid eating food afterwards if you aim to lose weight.

Immune System Boost


Your body temperature will heat up in the sauna, which is similar to what happens when you run a fever. This can boost white blood cell production and thus improve your immune system function. Some people claim to have fewer occurrences of colds and flu when regularly taking a sauna (though no scientific proof exists for this).

High Blood Pressure and Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

A few studies indicate that regularly taking a sauna may help treat high blood pressure and rheumatoid arthritis. More research is necessary to confirm these benefits.

Improved Circulation

When you take a sauna your body will attempt to keep your body temperature down at the normal 98.6 degrees F. To achieve this, your body will significantly increase sweat production and blood circulation. With this increased circulation, more oxygen and nutrients will be supplied to your organs and muscles and by sweating, toxins will be drawn out of your body. This will result in better organ function and also a healthier, better looking skin.

More Elastic Skin

Taking a sauna may boost collagen production, which is important for your skin's elasticity. Your skin primarily (for about 80%) consists of collagen, a protein that is responsible for the strength and elasticity of the skin and other organs. When more collagen is produced this will cause dead skin cells to be excreted and be replaced by new ones faster.

Cleansed Pores

Sweating intensely like you will certainly do in a sauna helps clean out your skin's pores. Toxins lodged in your skin will be rinsed out through your pores, helping detoxify the body. This can help treat or prevent skin conditions such as acne and blackheads.

Saunas can be great, but you should always take some precautions before taking one. If you have heart problems, talk to your doctor before taking a sauna. Also make sure that you drink enough water beforehand (2-4 glasses), don't stay in for more than 15-20 minutes, don't drink alcohol beforehand and don't take one when you are sick.