Sleeping For Healthier Skin


Having good-looking, healthy skin is for a good part determined by your entire body's health in addition to your daily skincare routine of course. The healthier you are overall, the healthier your skin will likely be. Something that's very important for your body's health is consistently sleeping well. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to a number of health problems, including certain skin conditions. To help you get good quality sleep every night, we've rounded up a few tips for better sleeping that don't involve taking (addictive) sleeping pills.

Make Your Bedroom Completely Dark

Your bedroom should be completely dark when you sleep in it. Only in a pitch black room will your body produce the right amount of sleep hormones that can help ensure that you fall asleep swiftly and get a good quality sleep. If you live in a city, you may want to invest in blackout curtains. A cheaper option is using an eyeshade, though not everyone finds it comfortable sleep with these. Also cover any LED lights from devices you can't unplug with black tape, because even these small lights can disturb your sleep.

Prepare For Sleep

About two hours before you go to bed you should start preparing your bed and body for sleep. Dim the lights and don't use any backlit devices such a TV, tablet or laptop. Instead go for a relaxing walk or read a book.

Exercise Early in the Day

Exercise is great for helping you fall asleep at night, but not if your exercise within 2 hours of going to bed. Exercising too late at night will make it more difficult to fall asleep. Outdoor exercise during the day is great because it provides the necessary sun exposure to help you sleep better at night.

Go to Sleep Before 11PM


Around 11PM your body produces a cortisol surge, which keeps you awake. Going to bed by 11PM the latest will help you fall asleep easier and improve your quality of sleep.

Regularly Eat Fish and Other Seafood

Omega 3 fats are important for your body's sleep processes. Most oily fish (opt for mercury-low fish) and other seafood are great sources of Omega 3 fats. You can also take cod liver or krill oil supplements instead of eating fish.

Track Your Sleep

There are a number of iPhone and Android apps available to track your sleeping pattern. While these apps won't be 100% accurate, they can give you an idea about the quality of sleep you are getting. Using a sleep tracking app every night can help you figure out if a change in diet or other lifestyle factor has affected the quality of your sleep. Make sure to put your phone into airplane mode when using a sleep tracking app so you don't expose yourself to potentially harmful radiation all night long. If you are having more severe sleeping problems you may need to have your sleep monitored at a sleep clinic.

If after implementing these tips you still lie awake at night, can't get out of bed in the morning and consistently feel tired during the day, you should see a doctor or sleep specialist. You may be suffering from sleep apnea or an other serious sleeping disorder which may require medical treatment.