Beet Juice with Cayenne

Beet Juice with Cayenne.jpg

I’ve been juicing and I love it.  It’s a great way to get oodles of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and nutrients into your body in just one glass!  With me, it’s all about adding amazing foods to my diet that will provide me with nutritional benefits.  Others may drink juice to replace meals.  That’s not my style.  I drink my juices, pretty much daily, along with my meals.  

Here’s how it usually goes – wash and peel tons of fruit and veggies, lay it all over the counters in the kitchen, and start juicing in any combination that suits your fancy.  During this last juicing session I had beets to juice.  I know…ew beets.

Now I don’t like beets when you cook them but juicing is different, trust me.  Plus you can’t deny the health benefits of beets.  Beets contain vitamins A, C, and K along with calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, silica, and choline.  The big winner here is Betalain, which is a powerful antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and detoxification properties.  I’m in it for the anti-inflammatory benefits!

Beet Juice with Cayenne Recipe Instructions

  1. Wash the beet then cut in half or quarters to accommodate your juicer.

  2. Wash the apple. Only peel the apple if it is not organic otherwise keep the skins on. Cut into quarters to accommodate your juicer. Cut a bit of the core out but usually your juicer can handle it. No stems though.

  3. Wash your strawberries well but you can leave the hulls on.

  4. Juice the veggies and fruit.

  5. Add the juice and cayenne to a mason jar and shake well. If cayenne is too spicy for you add the juice of half a lemon in lieu of the cayenne to cut the sweetness.

FoodSuzie RecklesDrink