5 Organized Tips To Use When Moving

Moving can seem extremely exciting. You are getting to meet new people, experience new moments and create memories that will last you the rest of your life. However, before you can enjoy any of that, you need to begin the moving process. Moving can be extremely organized or disorganized depending on your personality. 

As you well know by now, I am a very organized person. So, the occasional friend or acquaintance will call on me for my moving and organizational wisdom. I thought some of you might need to hear this as well, so I wrote up 5 Tips for an Organized Move below. Bookmark this puppy for when you and your fam need to pack up your lives with essentially no time to do it!

  1. Declutter

    I am literally always a fan of decluttering your home but when you are preparing to move this is especially helpful. After all, you don’t want to take the time to pack and move something only to have it sit in your new home and take up space. Start clearing the excess in small areas at a time. Start with your clothing, then clear out kitchen gadgets you never use, then move onto the garage. Sell what you can but otherwise, donate everything else! It will feel so good to free up that space and know that you don’t need to move it to the next house.

  2. Stock up on bins or boxes in advance

    The moment there is a murmur of a move in your future, begin hoarding boxes and totes. You will not regret having these stockpiled in your garage to pull out as you start packing your life away. We happened to have access to like 50 bins with lids from Daniel’s brother which was super convenient. The bins are really durable, and they stack nicely on top of one another. But even if you can start collecting cardboard boxes you will be so pleased you did. I know that major hardware stores let you purchase cardboard boxes but really, there is no shame in dumpster diving here, people. Find a giant recycling dumpster by your office and pull out the boxes still in good shape. Chances are, they are already broken down for you anyway so you can have a nice flat stack in your garage. 

  3. Pack non-essentials way ahead of time

    As your bin and box collection starts to ramp up, begin packing up all your non-essentials. I recommend starting by packing up all off-season clothing, extra bedding, and anything in your garage that you won’t be using before you move. This allows you to get a good head start on everything without interrupting your day-to-day life because all your essentials are still readily available. As you get closer and closer to the move date you will find that fewer and fewer of your items will become essential. If you do this little by little you won’t be scrambling as much the night before the truck gets loaded!

  4. Label everything

    Can one overdo it on labeling? I think not. As you start filling all your boxes I cannot encourage you enough to label the heck out of them. I recommend labeling the boxes by the room they should be unpacked in within the new home. Be specific too! Rather than “closet” write “upstairs linen closet.” That way, when all your boxes are being unloaded, you and anyone helping you, knows exactly where to bring each item. Believe me, the day of the move, you are going to be so overwhelmed with everything going on that if you have to stand in the driveway just telling people where to set every single box, you’re going to lose it. If you are using reusable bins make sure you use masking or painters tape so that they can easily peel off when the bins are empty.

  5. Hire a moving company

    If you still feel like you need an extra hand with moving you can always hire a moving company. This can be a really great option if you can’t be at your home and take the time to get everything as organized as you hope. It can also be a great option if you, or someone you love, has disabilities that make it hard to do these things on your own. You can hire someone to do the heavy lifting for your furniture, just do the labor of packing and unpacking, or someone to take care of all of it! 

    If you are in the Chicago area, I highly recommend looking into JC Movers and Lumper Service Inc. They provide numerous services to ensure that all of your belongings not only are packed properly but also transported and then put away safely and efficiently. I personally appreciate their friendly staff that you can ask your questions and validate your concerns too for a smooth residential ride or a long distance. If you are looking to move your office to a different location, this labor moving business in Chicago business is your one stop shop to help too! 

I hope you can call on these tips to help you prepare for your next big move! It’s times like that when it really pays to have things organized and thoughtfully planned. Plus, it makes moving into the new home that much simpler. What are some ways you stay organized when moving to a new home? Leave a comment below!

TravelSuzie Reckles